The award will be given once in TWO Years out of the interest accrued in the AMI-Prof. S.R.Vyas Memorial Fund. The size of the award will be decided by the Central Council from time to time depending on the funds available for the purpose but shall not be less than Rs. 45,000/- in cash and a citation.
This award is Triennial, and will include cash and a citation
The award is open to all AMI members. Applicants should be below the age of 60 years and should be a member of the AMI for at least 10 years continuous standing and have contributed significantly for the development of Industrial Microbiology, preferably in India. The award includes a cash of Rs. 45,000/- and a citation.
The award is open to all AMI members and Applicants should be of 45 years but not older than 65 and should be a member of AMI for at least 10 years. He/ she must have contributed significantly towards understanding microbial diversity from Indian environments as demonstrated by the work and publications. The award includes a cash of Rs. 20,000/- and a citation. The awardee shall present his/her contributions during the AMI conference.
AMI units which are active will be awarded suitably by the AMI with a cash award and certificate to be decided by the Central Council of AMI. Selected unit will receive an award in the form of a certificate/ citation mentioning all the details of the unit/chapter and a Cash prize of Rs. 7,000/-, Rs.5,000/- & Rs. 4,000/- to the Ist, IInd and IIIrd Prize holders. The award will be given at the time of the annual General Body meeting and will have to be received by an officer of the unit. No TA/DA will be provided to Unit office bearers to attend GB meeting.
The AMI may support travel grants to young life members of AMI (below the age of 35), for participating annual conference of AMI, whose papers have been accepted for presentation at the AMI conference. Detailed guidelines will be available on AMI website