1. This is a Biennial award and will be given out of the interest that accrues in the AMI-Prof. G. S. Rangasamy Memorial award fund. The award will constitute cash and a citation.
2. Presently, the award consists of a cash prize of Rs. 45,000/- and a citation, which may change from time to time.
3. The award is for an eminent Microbiologist in the area of 'Agricultural Microbiology'. Who is expected to make a presentation of his work at the Annual conference of AMI for which he is awarded?
4. The recipient of the award should be between 50-65 years.
5. There is no minimum number of applications required for this award.
6. Other rules prescribed under Rule 21, 22 and 22.1 shall apply for selection of candidate.
The award will be given once in TWO Years out of the interest accrued in the AMI-Prof. S.R.Vyas Memorial Fund. The size of the award will be decided by the Central Council from time to time depending on the funds available for the purpose but shall not be less than Rs. 45,000/- in cash and a citation.
1. There shall be no minimum number of names to be considered for this award.
2. The nominee for this award should be above the age of 50 years, a Life member or an annual member of the Association of continuous standing (at least 10 years) and should have contributed significantly for the development of Microbiology 47 in India or abroad as demonstrated by his work and publications.
3. Following the announcement of the award, any member of AMI can nominate a person to the General Secretary of the association within the time limit specified.
4. The General Secretary shall then consolidate the list and inform the President, who shall then in consultation with the General Secretary, constitute a committee of 3 eminent persons to scrutinize the applications merit and report back to the General Secretary directly individually.
5. The majority decision of the scrutinizing committee shall be communicated to the Central Council by the GS and the result will be communicated to the awardee at least one month before the date of the General Body meeting.
6. The awardee shall present him-self/her-self at the General Body meeting, make a brief presentation of his/her work and receive the award. The award shall not be given in absentia except under rule 21.14
7. Other rules apply as under rule 21.